6 Facts to know about EPR License in India

What is EPR Certificate? EPR Certificate means a responsibility towards the environment. 

EPR License is the vehicle for the government of India to turn manufacturers of electronics into agents of change. By bestowing upon the them the Extended Producer Responsibility to deal with electronic wastes, it has ensured that India isn’t as wasteful anymore.  

However, EPR registration certificate isn’t just a mandatory requirement. The way you obtain it, and the way you conduct your business after you get it transforms your business ideologies. It makes you think about sustainable development. It results in establishment of a “Quid Pro Quo” – where in return of accepting environmental responsibility, you get access to certain projects that you couldn’t before. 

And it’s one of the facts about EPR certificate that you need to know. Here are the other 6 facts to know about EPR certification in India. 

EPR Certificate format will provide you all the information that you need

EPR certificate format doesn’t only entail a unique EPR number. It also has a agreement section that defines the roles and duties of the certificate holder. Thus, if you need to understand about EPR registration process, you can get most of the answers by looking at the format. 

You can obtain EPR certificate via online application

The concept or EPR have existed in India since 2012. Thus, it’s only natural to have a recently introduced certification to have an online registration process. To obtain EPR certificate online, you’re required to do is fill the application form and submit it. If your application is accepted, then you proceed with the rest of the steps. 

EPR registration online isn’t only meant for the electronic product manufacturers

While we have stated that the government introduced this license as a vehicle to nudge manufacturers towards sustainable development, the license is not just meant for them. Importers of e waste also have to obtain EPR certificate of import in India. Fortunately, the process to obtain EPR registration for import is similar to that of a manufacturer.  

Being a holder EPR registration means you need to have a website as well

EPR Certificate full form is Extended Producer Responsibility Certificate. By agreeing to its terms, you’re not only required to management e waste that comes out of your factories, or your docks (if you’re an importer), you’re also required to impart awareness about it.  You need to have a website where you’ll publish contents pertaining to managing e wastes. These contents should be specific, their tone should be practical, and they should really communicate your desire to protect the environment. 

You need to set aside a proper budget to perform your EPR role

One of the EPR certificate requirements is to set aside budget to perform your duties that come under Extended Producer Responsibility. That budget doesn’t need to be enormous. However, it has to be proportional to the size of your business. It has to be scaled practically as per your manufacturing or importing capacity. Additionally, you need to specify the EPR certificate cost you’re going to spend installing a recycling unit or hiring a recycler. 

The process of EPR registration India is not exclusively online

Filing the online application via a digital EPR registration form is only the first part of the step. That application is going to reach to the Central Pollution Control Board. However, that’s not the body that will assess your application – it’s the job of the state department. Thus, after you’ve submitted the online application, you need to immediately download it, take it’s print out and send it to the state department along with the hard copies of the required documents. The documents will also entail the receipt for the EPR registration fees. 

Other Services- LMPC Certificate 


For EPR Certificate, India is holding hope that one day people will understand the value of sustainable development. If you want to know more about this certification, reach out to our experts. 

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