The precedents of Franz Kafka’s novel “Penal Colony”

Penal Colony Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka wrote the novel “Penal Colony” while he was writing his novel, The Talon. The novel was written in German. The novel was first published in 1914, and then in 1919. This is the story of an explorer’s visit to an island known for its extraordinary execution machine. It took Kafka only two weeks to complete the “panel colony”, although Kafka The final parts of the novel were not satisfied with the ending, and he rewrote it several times, then several years later, after the English translation of the novel was published in 1948.

The novel became popular, referring to one of Kafka’s most important creative fiction. Some of the identified people have also seen the “penal colony” in the intellectual context of his dissertation “The Metamorphosis”. The critical reaction to the novel’s story is to interpret its theoretical aspects and Kafka’s other Kafka’s bitterness with his own father came to light in the context of his writings and some biographical issues, such as his relationship with his father. The human process remained unconnected due to alchemy, and recent criticism acknowledges and agrees with the fact that Saul’s main idea is religious, and it is a story that examines the change in the relationship between human existence and divine law. Doesn’t take, but his mood is skeptical.

For this reason, Kafka’s Jewish heritage, and in particular the allegory and the Jewish traditions of the kabbala, are considered important points in interpreting the story. Kafka’s isolated narrative style, in which the character description is minimal and the author’s presence is uninterrupted. One of the admirable virtues of this novel is that it is a strong element of its disturbing effect.

In the Penitentiary Colony” is considered by many critics to be a theory to compare the Old and New Testaments of the Gospel, with the consent of an officer acting as an analogy to the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Others have seen the war as a foretaste of World War II Nazi death camps. I personally believe that in this novel, Kafka describes the religious enlightenment of the dialectical concept of death. It also includes the concept of power and punishment. In which the helplessness and deprivations of life have been lamented.

Kafka’s novel, “Penalty Colony”, presents a modern imagination that presents the essential state of faith in the modern world. The campaign, which represents the humanistic view of the secular tradition, speaks of land in a state of sin. The previous commandant formed and organized the penal colony and invented the terrible instruments of justice/injustice. He was called the god of a dictatorial religion. Somehow he wrongfully ended his rule over the colony, but sooner or later he may return and reclaim it. Meanwhile, his obsessive student serves the colony as his police officer, selection, and executioner.

The choice one must make on the island is either moral or spiritual, as Kafka faces the sectarianism of another. Based on this, it saves humanity through a painful ritual. The officer says, “How we all absorbed the look of decoration on the patient’s face. How many times have these been my companions!” In which the individual is fleeing by deceiving himself. In this novel, there is an atmosphere of terror and fear.

Many literary theorists and critics used Kafka’s ideas and thoughts directly or indirectly in the literary and critical discourses of the novel Penalty Colony, so we need to take a closer look at him and his ideas. And some need to be reconsidered.

So structures that are closely related to postmodernism. Emerged in the late 1950s and early 1960s, mainly in France. It is interfaith in literature, philosophy, and critical theory. Leading thinkers include Michelle Foucault, Jacques Dreda, Giles Deloitte, Julia Christie, and Judith Butler.

The ideological movement is concerned with the poor expression of systems, propositions, and definitions, and such systems are seen as fictitious constructs or constructivism, as is the reality itself. As Purdue’s resources are illustrated in structural concepts, “there are many truths, the framework should bleed, and the structure should be unstable or depressing.” Overall, this ideology was pressure on human enlightenment against rationality and history, just as it was quietly advancing towards betterment, so are Western religious beliefs.

In 1966, Derrida delivered a keynote address entitled “Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences.” He explained the concept of free play: “The structure of centralization … its contradiction is contradictory … the concept of centralized structure is actually the concept of a free play based on a fundamental instability and an assurance Has been created, which is itself. Out of reach of free play. “

Derrida and others pointed to the inability of language to be true, which Nietzsche began to question even in the late nineteenth century. Nietzsche’s famous phrase is, “What is truth? … Truth is an illusion about which it is forgotten that it is an illusion.” (Penal Colony)

When it comes to literature in particular, post-structural thinkers have looked at the narrative and the author’s ideas and how they too have been thrown into uncertainty. According to post-compilation experts, modern literary texts cannot conform to traditional methods nor can they be historical, they can deviate from multiple disciplines, and they call into question the whole concept of a grand narrative. For the latter, the reader acquires a new significance as a translator while the author is homeless. Roland Barthes called it the “death of the author” because it is impossible for readers to come to the text without their own prejudices and cultural backgrounds, and the author’s intentions will be different when they engage with the text. Therefore, the latter is “dead” as an administrative statistic.


Franz Kafka is considered one of the literary titles of the twentieth century. His work often explored elements of realism, realism, fantasy, and culture, often focusing on isolated characters who experience strange experiences. According to the basic idea, Kafka is known for dealing with existential appetite, remorse, loneliness, and unconsciousness. The term “Kafkaesque” has become a popular phrase or phrase for him, which means to cover all the topics and situations in his writing. Kafka’s most famous titles include The Metamorphosis, The Trial, and The Castle. Kafka’s novels sought to incorporate existential conditions into the linguistic structure. His gun was loaded with ammunition. Perhaps this is why Kafka inadvertently shattered the convincing innovations of life and art. In fact, Kafka’s writings did not go unnoticed by French liberals and American Christians. Because he was a preacher of Divine Grace.

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