Recitation / Tilawat in Urdu Poetry – Two Line Hindi Shayari on Tilaavat

woman in black hijab covering her face

In the soul-stirring realm of Urdu poetry, the recitation of the Quran, known as “tilawat,” emerges as a profound source of inspiration. The tapestry of Islamic Urdu Shayari about tilawat delicately weaves together the essence of devotion and spiritual resonance. Picture the scene: verses from the holy Quran resonating through the air, an eloquent dance of words that transcends the mundane. Tilawat e Quran pe Urdu Shayari paints a vivid canvas of emotions, where the poets pour their hearts into verses, echoing the divine beauty of the Quranic recitation.

Urdu Poetry on Tilawat e Quran

dil kii taKHtii pe bhii aayaat likhii rahtii hai.n
vaqt mil jaa.e to un kii bhii tilaavat karnaa

yuu.n lagaa jaise ko.ii itr fazaa me.n ghul jaa.e
jab kisii bachche ne qur.aa.n kii tilaavat kii hai

qur.aan kaa mafhuum unhe.n kaun bataa.e…… aankhon se jo chehro.n kii tilaavat nahii.n karte

raat baaGiiche pe thii aur raushnii patthar me.n thii
ik sahiife kii tilaavat zehn-e-paiGambar me.n thii

rahmat kaa farishta kabhii us ghar nahii.n aataa
jis ghar me.n musalmaan tilaavat nahii.n karte

Islamic Urdu Shayari about Koran ki Tilawat

terii yaade.n ho ga.ii.n jaise muqaddas aayate.n
chain aataa hii nahii.n dil ko tilaavat ke baGair

aaj jii bhar ke tujhe dekhaa to mahsuus hu.aa
aa.nkh ne suura-e-yuusuf kii tilaavat kii hai

aap jharno.n kii tilaavat ko nahii.n sun sakte
aap fitrat ke ishaaraat pe shak karte hai.n

mai.n aayato.n kii tilaavat me.n mahv rahtaa huu.n
har ik balaa se bachaatii hai sabz aag mujhe

pa.Dhtaa huu.n jab us ko to sanaa kartaa huu.n rab kii
insaan kaa chehra hai ki qur.aan kaa paara

Writing Best Urdu Ghazal on Islamic Poetry

The echoes of the past reverberate through the verses of renowned poets like Allama Iqbal, whose words echo the celestial melodies of tilawat. In the quiet corners of Urdu literature, Ghalib’s ink danced gracefully, immortalizing the sacred verses through his poetic mastery. As the moonlight of classical poetry fades, contemporary voices like Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Ahmed Faraz emerge, breathing new life into the tradition. Their verses, a testament to the timeless allure of tilawat, evoke a poignant connection to the divine words.

Amidst the vast anthology of Urdu poetry, a two-line masterpiece on tilawat whispers its beauty, encapsulating the profound impact of Quranic recitation on the human soul. These two-line Urdu gems reflect the ineffable connection between the reciter and the divine revelation. Simultaneously, the modern wave of poets, such as Javed Akhtar and Gulzar, crafts new Urdu ashaar, infusing the traditional art with contemporary sensibilities, creating a bridge between the old and the new.


In the symphony of verses, there exists a ghazal, a melody of words, dedicated to the sanctity of recitation. This ghazal stands as a testament to the enduring beauty of tilawat, where each couplet becomes a note, resonating through the hearts of those who immerse themselves in the divine verses. Holy book recitation pe Hindi Kavita further extends the tapestry of emotions, binding the devotion expressed in Urdu Shayari to a universal language that transcends boundaries.

In the enchanting world of Urdu poetry on tilawat, old and new poets converge, weaving a narrative that transcends time and space. Through the delicate strokes of penmanship, they invite us to delve into the profound experience of Quranic recitation, where the words are not just spoken but are a sacred melody that echoes through the corridors of the soul.