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Menopause and its common myths by Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital

Hiranandani Hospital Powai, Dr Sujit Chatterjee CEO Hiranandani Hospital, Hiranandani Hospital Kidney Transplant, Hiranandani Hospital Powai News

Hiranandani Hospital Powai, Many women are concerned about when menopause will occur and how unpleasant it will be. They wonder if they’ll have hot flashes or insomnia, if they’ll be irritable, or if they’ll go through any other physical or emotional changes. The truth is that they may or may not show any of these signs. Some women go from having a period to not having one without showing any of the traditional indicators. 

Menopause is the point at which your body’s fertility ceases. Every woman is born with the ability to create eggs, but menopause occurs when the ovaries stop producing eggs. Your periods will end, so you’ll notice. You won’t be able to have children once your periods cease.

According to Hiranandani Hospital Powai News, although some women experience early menopause, it might occur in their 40s or 50s. Your body stops generating eggs and generates considerably less estrogen and progesterone during this time. Menopause should not be regarded as a disease; it is a natural bodily process that marks the end of your childbearing years. 

Perimenopause only lasts approximately a year

Some people believe that perimenopause lasts around a year. Another odd fact about menopause: according to one study, heat flashes, a perimenopause symptom, can linger up to 14 years! However, this is quite uncommon. One thing we do know is that if you’re experiencing symptoms at this time, you should consult your doctor about treatment options, says Dr. Sujit Chatterjee CEO of Hiranandani Hospital.

After menopause, your body stops producing hormones

Hormones flow throughout our bodies for the rest of our lives, balancing complicated processes including development, metabolism, and fertility. During menopause, the ovaries stop generating estrogen, but they continue to generate testosterone, which is converted to estrogen in the body fat. While estrogen production declines, the amount of estrogen produced varies from person to person.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Is Risky

Only when synthetic hormones are utilized and the treatment is not carefully handled by a medical practitioner is hormone replacement therapy (HRT) harmful. In reality, ongoing studies demonstrate that HRT has a good impact on menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, and bone loss. 

All women should be concerned about menopause

It’s sad that there is so much incorrect, fear-inducing material about menopause in our culture. Menopause is a naturally occurring thing that happens in women’s lives. It is similar to menstruation, pregnancy, and perimenopause. Some women enjoy various liberties that they didn’t have when they were younger as a result of menopause. 

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Will Cause Breast Cancer in Me

Women who took oral conjugated estrogens (synthetic hormones) had a greater risk of breast cancer, according to a study conducted by The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). However, a ten-year study of women on hormone pellet therapy (bioidentical HRT with pellet implants) discovered that just one out of every 967 individuals developed breast cancer. 


Menopause may be the next step in your life, an exciting time to take on new challenges and explore new possibilities. Don’t believe everything you’ve heard about menopause; each woman has a unique experience.

It is critical to speak with your doctor if you have any concerns about any changes in your body. Advanced Obstetrics & Gynecology at Dr. L H HIranandani Hospital is committed to providing exceptional care to all of our patients at all stages of their lives. They have skilled clinical staff who can assist you with everything from pregnancy and obstetrics through menopause.

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