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How to Hire the Best Narrator for Your Audiobook

Audiobooks are getting more popular, so turning your book into an audio version may bring you a desirable profit. To make your audiobook successful, you need to hire the best narrator for your book. How can you find them, and what factors should you pay attention to? Keep reading to know more about the best audiobook narrators.

How to choose the right voice

Before offering a contract to a specific narrator, you have to do some research about your book. First, you have to know the target audience of your book. If your book is for ladies of 30 years old, offer such ladies to listen to the voice samples you’ve chosen. They will give you the best feedback. Second, consider the age of your audience as well. It sounds weird when a book for teens has a narrator with a senior pitch. Use more energetic voices. 

If your book is written in the first person, think about hiring a narrator with a corresponding gender. Even if the book is presented in the third person, there is always the main character in the book. So choose the gender of the narrator according to them. When it comes to a non-fiction book, it is up to you to decide what you want to say to your readers and choose the voice for this topic. 

Next, listen to the appropriate work samples. It is not enough to hear just any audio sample of a narrator. You want to listen to audio samples in the vocal tone your work requires or demos that have specifically been recorded for audiobook work. It may sound different from a real-life voice. Sometimes, you will understand that some narrators are not for your book in a few seconds. In other samples, you may hesitate. Also, pay attention to the audio technologies the narrators use in the samples. If they do not sound clear, omit this option. 

Choosing the perfect voice is a must for a successful production when you plan to hire audiobook narrators.

Different book genres

When looking for the best voice, it is also essential to consider the book’s genre. What message do you want to send to your reader? For some books, it is better to hire inspirational and positive voices. More serious genres demand more authoritative narrators. You cannot hire a narrator who is a specialist in children’s books to produce your horror story for adults. 

Choose a narrator who reads slowly if you have a complicated topic that makes people think. It will allow time for people to think over the material and not quit your book within a few pages.

Sometimes you have to hire several narrators. Some books sound better when presented by different narrators for characters’ voices and the narrator’s voice. 


Finally, when you have chosen the best narrator for your audiobook, provide all the relevant information to your chosen voice, giving them all they need for an excellent reading. Take careful consideration when selecting the right voice. This will make all the difference when it comes to the final result.

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