How to Develop an App Like JustEat: Actionable Guide for Startups

How to Develop an App Like JustEat: Actionable Guide for Startups

People no longer satisfy their hunger by visiting restaurants; thanks to the digital age, that has long been a thing of the past. In recent years, the eatery industry has expanded more than ever before, with new restaurants being built every day and customers finding more convenient ways to fill their stomachs. As a result, restaurant finder apps have become increasingly important. The time has come for you to leverage this need for the good of your business.

Restaurant finder apps have three benefits: they benefit the restaurant owner, delivery staff, and customers. With these three factors combined, you’ll be able to turn your business into a top food app comparable to Zomato, JustEat, and UberEats. In addition, with an on-demand food delivery app, you can expand your range of services and fulfil diverse customer needs, which can help you attract more customers.

It would help if you focused on a few key points before building one, including how long and how much an app will cost and how valuable it will be to you in creation, management, and value. Although people initially resisted adopting this concept, they have now fully embraced it.

It is almost impossible to find a smartphone that doesn’t have a food delivery app, especially in urban areas—any app results from many considerations, ideas, and thoughts. Thanks to the idea and features, food delivery apps have now expanded into a much broader platform. It’s a highly competitive market and also a highly profitable one.

To develop and introduce an app like JustEat, a small business or a startup needs to understand the metrics of choosing features, analyzing costs and effort requirements, etc. Taking control of the decision-making process of your customized mobile app will be easier with a glimpse of all these aspects.

Why are Delivery Startups Your Best Choice Right Now?

The current situation favors food delivery startups across the globe. Therefore, market trends provide a fantastic opportunity to invest. Two factors influence the rising popularity of investing in JustEat clone script, including the pandemic and people’s increasing inclination towards convenience. 

Restaurants are advised to close their doors due to the pandemic to prevent virus spread. As an alternative, people have started to use food delivery apps to enjoy lip-smacking food in their homes. The pandemic has created a win-win situation for customers as well as restaurants. 

The trend towards convenience has grown more pronounced during the pandemic. Between March and May 2020, when lockdowns in the USA, Europe, and the Indian states were the most severe, the food delivery market spiked. 

Food delivery app development has never been in such demand, but the following number might prove you wrong,

  • According to Statista, the online food delivery market will keep growing even more in 2022 and reach approximately $306,808million in revenue. 
  • The number of food delivery apps users is also increasing and is about to reach one million. 

Pandemic and social problems were the main triggers that contributed to this fresh market niche. Top food delivery apps have experienced a significant spike amid the pandemic, 

  • Papa John’s, which saw a 48.3% increase
  • GrubHub experienced a 31.8% increase 
  • Doordash also realised a 60.2% increase in orders and profits
  • Zomato also saw double-digit gains, stemming from the effects of the pandemic 

The above figures and facts depict that the food delivery market has endless potential to grow. So now, let’s see how to develop an app similar to JustEat in 2022. 

How to Develop an App Like JustEat: Steps Taken into Consideration

About 36% of Americans are using food delivery apps, which means this market has become a sweet spot for entrepreneurs. Now, let’s see how to develop a food delivery app like JustEat that will serve customers and bring you success. 

Research and Analyse Your Market

To answer the “how to create an app like JustEat” question, start with researching and studying your market. Look at your close rivals, find their strengths and weaknesses, and try to fill those gaps with your solutions. In-depth market research helps you make the app better, quicker, and smarter. 

Find a Unique Value Proposition

The value proposition is also a part of Canvas. To stand tall in the competitive market, you need to develop an app with unique features that your target audience appreciates. Find what your customers want and focus on providing that. It could be a user-friendly interface, instant delivery, or wide access to the restaurants. 

Choose Your Business Model

Before starting the development process, you also need to choose the business model for your startup. For example, for an online food delivery business, there are three options:

  • Using your own delivery vehicles to dispatch the orders
  • List yourself on third-party delivery apps and use external delivery providers; this is the preferred delivery model
  • Opt for a fully-integrated business model 

Entrepreneurs can choose any of these business models based on their requirements. 

Work on App Functionalities 

Before jumping to app development, you should understand what features and APIs it will consist of. Start with essentials by asking yourself: what are 3 features you would like to see on JustEat? Then, go into even more detail by considering three main agents involved in the process, including customers, delivery providers, and restaurants. 

Select the Tech Stack and Launch

The stack you need totally depends on what functionality your app should have. Finally, launch the final product and ask customers to give feedback once you are done with the app development and testing process. 


Today, food delivery apps have changed the restaurant industry and allow people to enjoy delicious food at their preferred location and time. In addition, such applications have provided its customers with a great advantage of ordering food and receiving it at their doorsteps. Therefore, if you are thinking of entering the market, this is the right time to take a step ahead as it ensures maximum profitability in a short time.

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