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How do online quizzes help students?

How do online quizzes help students

Something tells us that you are fretting about your exams as the season is just around the corner! We know, you are not alone…there are thousands like you who are feeling the exact same! We know that at this point you just want someone to take my exams to get rid of your anxiety. However, we suggest that you take a step back and listen to our proposition first. We promise that what we are about to recommend is much more reliable and money-saving! So, let’s hear it; ‘quizzes’ *drumrolls*. You just rolled your eyes, didn’t you? This is exactly why we are writing this blog to let you know how beneficial quizzes are for you…let’s begin!

Help Reinforce ideas

Quizzes can help students reinforce the ideas that they learn. Quizzes are a fun way to evaluate how much you have soaked in from the lesson. Reinforcing ideas beforehand can help students a lot during the exam season. Most student almost loses their sanity during the exam season (fictionally speaking). This happens because of the increased stress patterns caused as a result of a huge syllabus. It is humanely impossible to digest the entire syllabus of the whole term in mere two or three days. This is where quizzes help students; they help them prepare for their exams beforehand.


Another benefit of quizzes is that it helps students in realizing their academic status. Meaning; that it helps students in realizing where they stand academically. This can help students in understanding and gauge their progress. Those students who have a certain academic goal in mind that they have to achieve can use this for their own benefit. Taking a quiz will make them realize how much of the syllabus they know. The results can help them in regulating their energy; how much more effort should they put in order to improve their grades.

Updates Teacher

Apart from students, quizzes can also help the teachers a lot. During the online classes especially, teachers are having a really hard time trying to monitor students. Obviously, the teachers are having as much of a hard time adjusting as students are. This is where the quizzes can act as a bridge and help teachers out. When the teacher takes a quiz, he or she comes to know which students need guidance by the results of it. Therefore, as far as evaluating students is concerned, quizzes are a really helpful mean for students to monitor each and every student individually.

Smart Way To Learn

If you want to learn more in less time, quizzes are a really fun way to do that. If long essays, hefty paragraphs, and lengthy chapters bother you, maybe it is time for you to do something about it. You obviously cannot skip you want to ace your exams. The question now is; how would you prepare for them? The answer; is through quizzes! Taking quizzes is like solving riddles. Once you solve the riddle, you will remember the answer for a good while. Usually, quizzes are in choose the correct answer format so it turns into a guessing game. A game that helps you remember the concepts and teaches you!

Reduce Stress

Now, if you understand the phenomenon discussed in the previous heading, you will realize that it can also lead to reducing stress. The majority of students today are a victim of extreme depression and stress thanks to the unmanageable academics. However, if you take the quiz approach, you can easily take on any academic challenge. No matter how daunting your syllabus is, you can easily pull it off with the right approach. As a result of it, by the end of the term or when your exams are nearing, you will be less stressed out!

Builds Interest

As we just discussed, quizzes are a really cool and fun way to learn. The students of his generation are all about shortcuts and innovation. Keeping this in mind, technology has come up with a really cool solution to keep students’ interest intact. Today, there are several applications that help you in learning in the form of a game. Applications such as Kahoot and Quizzis are available online that students can use to play a quiz game related to their subject. Teachers can also customize those quiz questions according to the topic and make students play them in real-time!


The results of these quizzes are also a good reality check for students. They are able to get proper and clear feedback on their progress. This feedback helps them get a clear picture of where they stand in the current moment. How much more attention do they need to give to their academics in order to ace their exams. The biggest reason why students stop growing academically is due to the lack of feedback. It happens especially with the online classes where there is no one to guide or motivate them, they simply give up. However, with online quizzes, students can ow get clear feedback to maintain their efforts!


In addition to everything that we just mentioned, quizzes are also a fun way to self-evaluate. Suppose that your exams are due next month and you are already prepared. However, the exam anxiety is getting the best of you are you are getting unsure. In this situation, we recommend that you double-check everything since your grades are on the line. Meaning; that you self-evaluate yourself to know how much you know already. Think of it as a revision or pre-test to know whether you are prepared for your exam or not. The results will let you know whether you are prepared for it or not!

So, if you have an upcoming exam and you have zero motivation to begin preparing, no worries! Try taking the quiz approach instead of relying on someone else to take my exams. Exams are not much of a big deal if you are already prepared for what’s to come. To ensure that you are prepared for your exams, we recommend that you take this approach. It is always better to be sure than regret later on when you can do nothing –Literally. So, take a few quizzes beforehand to make sure that you are not lacking in anything! Best of luck with your exams, toodles!

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