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Does No Opener Link Affect your Website Ranking No-opener

Those people who are involved in SEO or web development get confused when they see terms like no-referrer, no-opener, and nofollow. By reading this completely, you will get to know about all these terms. 

A brief intro:

The terms no-referrer, no-opener, and nofollow are the values of anchor tags in HTML. Normally, these HTML attributes like noreferrer and noopener can be added to the outgoing links. 

About rel no-referrer:

This tag, rel no-opener no-referrer, is a special attribute that can be added to any of the link tags. What it does is, stop the referrer information from passing the target website. So in google analytics, traffic coming from links that have no referrer will show direct traffic. It won’t display as a referral. 

About no-opener:

Here, the page with which you are linking might get partial access to the linking page. Through the window. Opener object happens and then the linking page can use the window.opener.location to open the malicious website that you have created. 

This can be also considered as a phishing attack because you share the content of your malicious website on social media like Facebook. Users without knowing that it is malicious content will click on it and a new webpage will be opened now. 

Right at this moment now your malicious website will hold control over the previous page ‘Facebook’. Now, into the new site with the aid of the window opener. The location takes to a new site where the Facebook login page with a message will appear on the screen. The message will be like: ‘Your previous Facebook session expired. Please Login again to continue using Facebook’. 

This is how the phishing attack happens; the user will now enter the login credentials and fall into the trap. No-opener security assists the users to prevent their website from hackers and improves the overall security of the website. 

Does no-opener link affect the website ranking?

Most people believe that dealing with HTML tags and attributes is more confusing but when you access no opener it will not be the same and hard as you think. There are some people who believe that no opener is the reason for the success of SEO. This information is completely a false statement. Whereas there are people who do not use any of these links, since it is not going to give any positive effects on your website. 

The true fact about the no opener link regarding the website ranking is that using the link of no opener gives no impact on either the SEO performance or the page’s ranking. 

How to Rank Higher on your Website?

Without using shortcuts like this if a user publishes relevant and quality content with the right keywords and updating those keywords regularly can help you to rank higher. Another area that the website can focus on is on the title of the website and the description of the page. 

The aim should be that the user who visits our website must acquire and grasp as much information as possible. So that, we can provide links from other websites, this can attract the users to your website to improve the SEO. 

Though there is no benefit in increasing the rank of your website, you can still enhance security. 

Another tip here is to use alternative text descriptors or alt tags when you describe any images or videos on your website. This will make the search engine locate your page. 

Also, there are many affordable seo services available that a user can render after doing proper research on it. 

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