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Where to buy authentic crystals online

You need a little crystal pick-me-up sometimes. It may also be time to get serious about clearing stagnant energy.  Since hundreds of thousands of years ago people have been using crystals all over the world (the history is fascinating, so feel free to dig deeper into it when you have the time). However, crystals are becoming increasingly popular today. You might notice rose quartz on the corner of your colleague’s desk or read about celebrities infusing their face creams with crystal energy. People are taking notice! 

The use of crystals can alter your vibration, and they are making waves on social media. If you tap into the frequency of the crystal, you will experience confidence, self-love, romance, and even abundance! 

Crystals can be used in many different ways. Wear them as jewelry, place one on your nightstand or under your pillow, meditate with them, or even carry one in your purse.  

Where can you buy authentic crystals online?

Crystal shops can be found online in a variety of styles. Many retailers sell crystals at a wide range of prices, and there are many factors to consider. 

The first thing you should do is make sure you are buying authentic crystals. Unfortunately, some crystal shops out there aren’t always 100% honest about what they sell. Keep in mind that if it sounds too good to be true…it probably is. You’ll find crystal shops on the internet offering crystals at “rock bottom” prices.

Second, make sure the crystal shop sources its crystals ethically. There are few international regulations governing crystal mining. As a result, child labor and environmental destruction can occur.  The cost of sourcing crystals ethically is higher, so proceed with caution if they claim “ethically sourced” and are extremely cheap! 

Crystals Online: Where to Buy Authentic Crystals

You’re in the right place if you’re wondering where to buy authentic crystals for sale. A huge selection of crystals, crystal kits, and jewelry can be found at RealCrystal, an online shop. With an authenticity guarantee, you can shop for crystals with confidence and do not have to worry if they are the real thing. 

Is it possible to buy real crystals on Amazon?

Sure, but be careful. A few reputable crystal retailers exist, but overall the quality is poor and there is no information about the source or properties. In addition, there are a lot of mislabeled or fake crystals on there, so it’s a risk. 

Is it possible to buy real crystals on AliExpress/Alibaba?

AliExpress is one of the hardest places to shop for crystals, but the prices are often very tempting.  Many fake crystals are sold on AliExpress. Crystals are usually identifie by their names and even by their pictures. Some crystals, however, are real. The problem is that the source of the products is never identified, the quality is unknown, and many of them are labeled incorrectly.  

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It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to find ethically sourced crystals.  You may also receive a real crystal that has been enhance in order to make it appear higher quality.  When working with crystals, it’s important to make sure the vibration and energy are in alignment. There are so many amazing local retailers out there to support, AliExpress would never be high on my list.

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