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The Essential Guide to thesis writing

thesis writing

A thesis is a document you write to show that you have studied a topic and achieved the degree of knowledge in it. This guide talks about the best practices for writing your thesis paper, such as following a proper format, structuring your ideas logically, and using resources to increase your knowledge. You can also find links to help make your research easier on yourself!

What is a thesis?

A thesis is a research paper written by a student in order to complete their degree. It is usually done over the course of a semester, and the student works with a supervisor who helps them select a topic, conduct research, and write the paper. A thesis can be anywhere from 40-100 pages long, and the student must defend it in front of a panel of faculty members in order to graduate.

Thesis Outline – Introduction, Body, and Conclusion

When it comes to write my thesis, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there is a general outline that all thesis should follow: introduction, body, and conclusion. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to write each of these sections effectively.


The introduction is where you will state your thesis statement. This is the most important part of your paper, so make sure that it is clear and concise. It should also be arguable – that is, someone could reasonably disagree with it. After stating your thesis, you will need to provide some background information on the topic. This will help the reader understand what you are arguing for or against. Finally, you will need to state your main arguments in the introduction. Make sure to include evidence (such as quotes or statistics) to support each argument.


The body of your paper is where you will develop your arguments in more detail. Each argument should have its own paragraph (or multiple paragraphs). Start by restating the argument from the introduction, then provide evidence and explanation to support it. Be sure to address any counter arguments – that is, arguments that someone could make against your position. Finally, conclude each argument paragraph with a sentence that summarizes your main point and reinforces your position.


The conclusion is where you will tie everything together and leave the reader with  your final thoughts on the topic. Start by briefly summarizing your main arguments. Then, state your overall position on the issue. Finally, end with a call to action or a prediction for the future.

Common Thesis Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes students make when writing a thesis is not being clear and concise enough. A thesis should be a clear and concise statement of your main argument or claim. It should be specific enough to be able to be proven or disproven, but not so specific that there is no room for discussion.

Another common mistake is not providing enough evidence to support your thesis. A thesis is only as strong as the evidence you provide to back it up. Be sure to include data, quotes, and examples from reliable sources to bolster your argument.

Finally, many students make the mistake of getting too bogged down in the details and forgetting to address the big picture. Remember that a thesis is not just about proving a point, but also about advancing an argument or conversation. Be sure to leave some room for interpretation and analysis in your paper so that readers can see the larger implications of your work.

Thesis Storyboard Template

As you begin the process of writing your thesis, it can be helpful to create a storyboard template. This will serve as a roadmap for your research and help keep you organized.

Your storyboard template should include:

-A list of the major topics you will be covering in your thesis

-A timeline of when you will be researching and writing each section

-A space for notes on your progress and ideas

Using a storyboard template will help you stay on track as you write your thesis. It will also make it easier to share your work with others and get feedback along the way.

Sample Thesis Papers

Sample thesis papers can be a great resource when starting to write your own thesis. By looking at examples of other thesis, you can get a better understanding of what is expected in terms of formatting, structure, and style. Additionally, reading through sample thesis can give you some ideas for your own research topic.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using sample thesis papers as a resource. First, make sure that the examples you are looking at are from reputable sources. There are many websites that will sell you plagiarized or otherwise poor quality papers, so it is important to be careful. Second, remember that each student writes their thesis differently – do not try to copy someone else’s work exactly. Use the samples as general guides and adapt them to fit your own style and voice. Finally, if you have any questions about writing your own thesis, be sure to ask your supervisor or another trusted academic for help.


Thesis writing can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of planning and organization it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips in this essential guide, you’ll be well on your way to writing a stellar thesis that will impress your supervisors and help you get the grade you want. Good luck!

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