D. H. Lawrence: Novel is the One Bright Book of Life

D. H. Lawrence Novels

David Herbert Lawrence (D. H. Lawrence) was born in 1885 in Nottingham shire, England. His father was a miner who could not read or write, but his mother was a school teacher before her marriage. Fearing that her son would become a laborer like his father, his mother instilled in him the desire to go to school

Study life and Initial work

D. H. Lawrence studied at the University College Nottingham, taught for a time, and began publishing poetry and fiction. His first novel, The White Peacock, was published in 1911. Meanwhile, Lawrence resigned from his academic job because he had contracted TB. At this point, Lawrence turned his attention to himself. His hard-working background provided autobiographical material for his novel, Son and Lovers, published in 1913. Meanwhile, his novels “The Rainbow” were published in 1915 and “Women in Love” in 1920.

Writing features

In 1912, Lawrence fled with Frieda von Rich Thofen Weekly, the wife of a German professor. They married in 1914, which lasted a lifetime. D. H. Lawrence saw rural life in England change rapidly as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Lawrence’s controversial novel “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” was completed in 1928.

He became famous in the literary world for his publication and interesting case, although his unexpected edition was published in 1960, 30 years after the author’s death. Lawrence emerged as a representative name for short stories. Nine collections of his stories were published and many selections and collections. Although the reason for his fame in his life was his novels, Lawrence is an important storyteller of his time. Lawrence’s stories are a masterpiece of emotion, intelligence, creativity.

In his stories, D. H. Lawrence promoted the realistic thinking of Jammer, Conard, and Tolstoy, but also the subject of psychology and the working class. Lawrence also wrote literary criticism and poetry, as well as plays and letters, as well as essays on various personalities.

Translations and Progress

Translations of Lawrence’s work are available in most of the world’s languages ​​and has gained worldwide fame. “Why the Novel Is Important,” he writes in an article published after his death in 1936, “There is nothing more important than life and for me, life is nowhere but to live.” All living things are amazing, even a cabbage in the rain is a living cabbage and all dead things are subordinate to living things. A living dog is better than a dead lion, but a living lion is better than a living dog. It is impossible for you to find a pastor, scientist, or philosopher who is committed to this simple truth. In a way, they all deny this feeling.

Explanations (D. H. Lawrence)

A pastor wants to see himself above the abundance of spiritual food. Many religious people present themselves as an angel, but an angel is less important than a human being. When such a person dies, he apologizes to his body. Forgive me my body, I haven’t taken care of you in years. On the other hand, a philosopher can think that there is nothing more important than ideas. It’s like a rabbit that can make a bill think that there is nothing more important than a bill.

And a scientist doesn’t matter to me as long as I’m a living person. According to a scientist, I am dead. He puts his binoculars on me and looks at me in pieces, first one piece then another piece. My heart, my liver, my stomach are scientifically part of me. For scientists today, I am a brain, a gland, a nerve. I absolutely deny that I am a soul or a body or a brain, intelligence or a brain or a nervous system or a cluster of glands. The whole being is better than the separate parts.

That is why I am, I am a living man, I am greater than my soul. Even from the body and mind and from the consciousness that is in me. I am a man and alive. I am a living man and I want to live as long as I can. That’s why I’m a novelist, and I want to be a novelist. I consider myself superior to a pastor. From a scientist, a philosopher, and a poet who may be different parts of a living man, but all of them together do not form a dirty body.

“The novel is a bright book of life.” Books are not in life. They are just scary from the sky but the novel can scare a living man as a fear. Which is more than a poem, philosophy, and science, or any other book that can scare. Let’s learn from the novel, the characters in a novel do nothing. Just live If they become good or bad according to the prevailing standards or deviate from the prevailing standards, they freeze life and the novel dies.

Brief Analysis

In a novel, the character has to survive, otherwise, he is nothing. In the same way, we must live in life, otherwise, we are nothing. What do we mean of alive, of course, as glorious as we take from being ourselves? Men draw ideas with their hands, what life is like to them and they separate life from the prevailing norms. Sometimes he goes to the deserts in search of God. Sometimes he goes to the deserts in search of wealth. Also, sometimes for alcohol, women, and songs and then for water, political terms, and votes. You never know what’s going to happen next. Survival, the survival of man, the survival of all men is the only improvement and the novel, the novel is the most powerful that can help you. I can’t help you If you die one in life

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