Book Reviews

Read book reviews of the latest and popular ebooks/books published by famous writers and poets. It includes historical, scientific, religious, research, entertainment, journals, magazines, politics, geography, syllabus, criticism, medical, arts, literature, poetry, short stories, and a lot of other genre books. Authors at have published book reviews by expressing different perspectives, pros, and cons of books they chose. Most of the popular books are published by different offline and online publishers such as Amazon, Scribd, AICL, etc… It’s a good practice to read the review bout any book before going to read the entire book as it saves a lot of time in case the book doesn’t feel good. According to Wikipedia, A book can be known as a literary criticism by which the content of a book is analyzed on various merits. It can also be taken as a primary summary of a book or a scholarly review.

Revolutionizing Comic Books: Ghost Machine and the Creator-Owned Renaissance

Ghost machine comic book

Comic book companies founded by a group of comic book writers are a great new thing for the industry. These companies, often referred to as “creator-owned” companies, give creators more control over their work and allow them to make more money from it. This is likely to lead to more innovative and creative comic books. […]

Revolutionizing Comic Books: Ghost Machine and the Creator-Owned Renaissance Read More »

Finding Online Literature Communities for English Readers

Soapstone Literature - Image Credits: Desky

In a world where words transcend borders and stories are shared across screens, the love for literature has found a new home. Imagine embarking on a literary journey that knows no boundaries, where the pages of a book extend into the vastness of the internet, connecting you with fellow bibliophiles and wordsmiths from all corners

Finding Online Literature Communities for English Readers Read More »

Mushrooms and Gut Health: A Symbiotic Relationship

Mushrooms Gut Health

From the time when our ancestors roamed the earth, foraging for food, mushrooms have held a special place in both our diet and traditional medicine. These fascinating fungi, often cloaked in mysticism and folklore, are more than just a culinary delicacy. Recent studies have pointed to their manifold health benefits, especially regarding gut health. So,

Mushrooms and Gut Health: A Symbiotic Relationship Read More »

What Additional Skills Are Valuable For Self-Publishing Books?

Self-Publishing Books

With the literary industry becoming more competitive, more and more writers are looking into self-publishing. Self-publishing gives you greater creative control and more profits than the percentage you’d receive with a literary agency- but these perks come with a cost.  Writing isn’t a job with instant gratification. You need to put in a lot of

What Additional Skills Are Valuable For Self-Publishing Books? Read More »

How Does Good Research Work Makes an Impact in Productivity While Writing Fiction

Writing Fiction

Writing a book can be a daunting task, whether you’re a seasoned writer or an aspiring one. One of the keys to success is to conduct good research that will help you create a compelling and realistic story. But how does good research make an impact on productivity while writing fiction? In this article, we’ll

How Does Good Research Work Makes an Impact in Productivity While Writing Fiction Read More »