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8 Warning Signs That Your Roof Is Failing

Several warning signs may call the end of a roof’s life and the need for professional roofing services in Portland. It’s important to heed these signs and be proactive when it comes to the condition of your roof. Roof replacement can be an extensive and expensive ordeal, but it’s also an important part of maintaining and owning a healthy house.

Failure to take action when required could necessitate repairs to more of your house than just the roof. Ignoring the sometimes subtle signs that your roof is failing risks additional repair costs and your health and safety and that of anyone else under your roof. If you find any of the following signs, it may be time to consider roof replacement for your Ankeny home.

The Roof Is Sagging Without Roofing Services In Portland

A sagging roof could mean many things: your roof could be weak and deteriorating. Or its installation from the residential roofers in Portland is improper, or it might be supporting too much weight (snow, ice, etc.). Whatever the case, roof sagging is a clear sign that your roof needs a replacement. If you don’t act soon, it could collapse. Roof vent installation tweed heads is also important to consider. 

Dirty Areas On The Roof

Dirty areas usually appear when granules start to fall off shingles. That means your shingles have aged, and you need roofing services in Portland to replace them quickly. Dark patches could also signal algae or moss growth on your roof, which you should remove as soon as possible.

Granules In Gutters

When shingles begin to lose granules, that is a sign that they have reached an age where they aren’t as effective as they should, and you must replace them. Shingles lose a lot of granules as they get older.

You Notice Several Exposed Or Loose Nail Heads

If nails begin falling out of place, the spaces and holes around the nails that remain are vulnerable to water penetration and can lead to dangerous leaks in the roof. The damage the moisture can cause might force you to a complete roof replacement sooner than expected.

Water Damage Inside Home Or Attic

If you have water leaking into any part of your attic or house, there’s a good chance that your shingle underlayment is inadequate or flashing on your roof has deteriorated. Mold and mildew can result from insufficient roof ventilation.

Missing Or Damaged Flashing

Flashing is placed around projections that converge with your roof, such as your chimney. If the sealing around these structures is damaged or broken, water can easily leak into your home.

Roof’s Age

If your roof is an asphalt shingle, it will usually last for about 20 to 25 years before it needs a replacement. If your roof was installed over your previous roof, such as shingles on top of shingles, then you may need to replace your roof sooner.

Higher Heating And Cooling Bills

That could result from insufficient attic ventilation or a damaged/leaky roof that lets lousy air in and good air out.

If your roof shows any of these signs and you think you may need your roof replaced soon, call the expert residential roofers in Portland at Black Diamond Roofing to come out and do a complete inspection for you.

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