7 signs of kidney disease you should not ignore

Kidney Disease

Human beings consist of two kidneys, which play a vital role in the body. 

Kidneys are mainly responsible for filtering the blood from all the waste products such as urea, acids, creatinine, etc. 

If your kidneys are not taken care of well, then their function can be compromised. You will be shocked to know that a considerable population suffers from kidney disease, and they are not even aware of it.

Below we have discussed 7 signs of kidney disease you should not ignore.

1. Swelling:

One of the initial signs of kidney disease is swelling around your feet, ankles, or legs. You may have pitting edema, which means the swelling around such sites shows pits on applying pressure.

 This is an indication that the function of your kidney is being compromised. There is an increased sodium level because kidneys cannot properly remove extra fluid from the body, resulting in swelling in your ankles or feet or even in your hands when worsening. 

In such cases, people are advised to decrease daily fluid and salt intake, involving fluids in the food, for example, yogurt and soups, to help reduce swelling and help you avoid taking urgent care Cypress.

2. Urination:

Difficulty and more urge to urinate:

Urine formation is one of the functions of the kidney, so if they are not functioning correctly, there is a change in urine appearance and the routine of urination. More urge to urinate, especially at night, could be a sign of kidney disease. This is caused due to damage to kidney filters.

Sometimes you may feel pain or pressure hence difficulty in urinating. It could indicate a UTI(urinary tract infection), which causes burning and pain while urinating. Such a condition can spread to the kidneys, causing fever and backache too. 

The appearance of urine:

The appearance of urine becomes foamy in case of compromised kidneys. Excessive bubbles in urine are the sign of protein in the urine. This foam looks similar to the foam of scrambling eggs because the protein in urine is the same as in eggs, i.e., albumin. 

You may notice blood in the urine. During filtration of waste from blood by healthy kidneys, blood cells are kept within the body to form urine. But if kidneys’ filters are damaged, such blood cells begin to escape out in the urine. 

Bloody urine could also be a symptom of kidney stones, tumors, or other infections.

3. Disturbance in sleep:

Individuals suffering from kidney diseases may have disturbances in sleep. The sleep of such people is poor due to certain toxins in the blood because kidneys are not filtering blood properly. The toxins are eliminated from the blood via urine in typical situations. Sleep apnea is common in individuals having kidney disorders as compared to healthy individuals.

4. Puffiness of eyes:

When the function of kidneys is compromised, it results in extra sodium and fluids within the circulation, which leads to swelling near the eyes. The eyes of such a person look puffy due to decreased level of albumin. A large number of proteins are leaked into urine from kidneys rather than keeping it in blood. The swelling of the eyes is called periorbital edema, which can occur in one or both eyes.

5. More tiredness due to muscle fatigue and muscle cramps:

If you feel more tired than before, it could also be an early sign of kidney disease. As kidney disease progresses, this issue becomes more and more dominant.

You may feel sleepy, tired, or have problems concentrating. The main reason for this problem is the storage of impurities and toxins in the blood due to compromised kidney function. 

A hormone is secreted to signal the body to make RBCs(red blood cells). But when the kidney does not work correctly, then there will be lower-level RBCs. Due to which enough oxygen cannot reach the brain and muscles, which is required for their proper functioning. 

Muscle cramps are a common issue in people suffering from kidney disease. Cramps are the result of electrolytes and fluid imbalance. Decreasing levels of phosphorus, calcium and other electrolytes inequality disturb the working of your muscles and nerves.

6. Skin issues:

If you have any skin problem, it can also be a sign of kidney disease. You may have itchy and dry skin that shows bone and mineral disease, which in turn is linked with chronic kidney disease. Such issues are also a result of an imbalance of nutrients and minerals in the blood when kidneys cannot balance nutrients and minerals.

7. Loss of weight and appetite:

Due to kidney disease, you may experience an upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting. The taste of such persons also changes, which is explained as metallic by such persons.

As kidney disease progresses, it makes the taste of protein-enriched products like dairy and meat horrible. Such products are metabolized into creatinine, nitrogen, and waste products that are not healthy. And kidneys are not capable of filtering them out of the blood. This results in a very little desire for food, which is a loss of appetite that ultimately leads to losing weight. 

Some valuable tips to make your kidneys healthy:

You can make your kidneys healthy by:

· Maintaining your body weight by doing exercise and staying active

· It would help if you kept your diet healthy, eat fresh fruits, grains, vegetables, etc

· Drink plenty of water

· Keep your sugar and salt intake in control.

· Do not smoke

· Avoid eating spicy, junk and processed food.

· Avoid taking supplements without a physician’s consult. 

By reading all the details now, you can tell whether you or your close one are suffering from kidney disease or not. If you observe any of the above signs, then you must consult the specialist. Do not take any of the symptoms lightly. If you are feeling lazy to go to the If your kidneys are not taken care of well, then their function can be compromised. You will be shocked to know that a considerable population suffers from kidney disease, and they are not even aware of it. and have various tests, there is no need to worry. Marham. Pk is one of the online platforms that offer the best services from the Best best doctors. All you have to do is to search for a doctor within your area. For example, if you live in Lahore, you can search for a nephrologist in Lahore and book your appointment instantly; Marham will do all of your work. 

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